Jenn Heibloem
Swinburne Street Healthy Lifestyle
Located in a district of gyms and with passerbys who walk to the local park, exercise, bike ride, and engage in everything that promotes a healthy lifestyle. My Fun characters are caught yoga-ing, biking, counting calories, trampolining, and with a healthy theme which is all about the gym, healthy eating, fruits and veggies, drinking water, trees and fresh air. My little characters illustrate the inner child, that goes in hope to the gym to maintain youth and all that being physical and healthy life might look like in a fun imaginary world.
- Box ID
- SC 3887
- Address
- Swinburne Street & Lutwyche Road, Lutwyche QLD
- Painted

Artwork on Energex cabinets is part of Brisbane City Council's Artforce project, managed by Urban Smart Projects.