Dani Tikel
One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest
The channel-billed cuckoo (Scythrops novaehollandiae) is also known as a migratory storm bird, they appear in Brisbane in summer to breed, returning to New Guinea and Indonesia around March. As a brood parasite, a channel-billed cuckoo will lay an egg in a host nest, the chick will grow much larger, demanding all of the food and eventually starve the other chicks. The peewee (Grallina cyanoleuca) is one of the Australian magpies that may be picked as a host. The peewee is a common local, is known for duet singing, and has adapted well despite urban development.
- Box ID
- B0542
- Address
- Wynnum Rd & Northcliffe St, Cannon Hill QLD
- Painted

Artforce is an initiative of Brisbane City Council managed by Urban Smart Projects.