Douglas T

Tall Ship

This area was first visited by white man - Matthew Flinders in July 1799. He spent 15 days in Moreton Bay, landed and named Red Cliff Point on 17 July. It was not until 1823 that John Oxley, on instructions from Governor Brisbane to find a suitable place for a northern convict outpost, visited Moreton Bay. It was on Oxley's recommendation that Red Cliff Point was chosen for the penal colony. On 24 September,1823 the brig Amity brought officials, soldiers, their wives and children and 29 convicts to Redcliffe. Three children, the first European children born in Queensland, were born in September and November 1824.

Box ID
Oxley & Beaconsfield, Margate

Main Roads Metro is an initiative of the Queensland Department of Transport and Main Roads managed by Urban Smart Projects.